Deborah Hanlon – “In the Presence of Proof”

This month, Suzane welcomes special guest, medium Deborah Hanlon. As a holiday gift to YOU, Suzane and Deborah will be offering a full hour of readings LIVE!

Deborah Hanlon has a passion for lifting people up and increasing their energetic vibrations. What does that mean? She wants to help you be HAPPY. How? She does it through laughter, compassion, and a no-nonsense, “say like it is,” non-judgmental demeanor. Her goal is to get you to expand out of the limited mindsets you are currently stuck in and will challenge you to color outside the lines of your life! She will push you – gently, yet firmly, with laughter and a deep compassion for YOUR personal Transformation.

Her book, In the Presence of Proof: A Medium’s View of the Afterlife and How to Create Heaven on Earth, isn’t a book about mediumship. Rather it is about what the deceased can teach us, the physically present . . . how to LIVE and create our own personal Heaven on Earth. Deborah is in the “presence of proof” of a spiritual afterlife every day with her clients, and that is how she has come to understand how the consciousness of the deceased differs from the physical. It is about the afterlife, and how “afterlife” doesn’t just apply to when we are out of our bodies. Deborah believes if we can all approach living as the continuum that it really IS, then we can all understand what “dying” really means, and naturally adapt a more conscious way of living.

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